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TV has always been a space to explore, try out and validate ideas. So how has this influenced family? And how has TV responded to the emergence of new ideas of family?

Throughout this project we take a look at how producers of TV shows have attempted to navigate this change and produce successful TV shows as a result. Bound in this is an analysis of how producers thus see their audience and work to capture it.

So too, the project considers which shows are successful as a way of considering the TV landscape as a moderated medium based on success. Whereby, if a show is popular we might consider this to be indicative of a commonly held, public acceptance of representation.

By conducting this research we hope to be able to map where family now sits in the TV landscape. In doing so, we will note the evolution of family, the influences that have motivated the evolution and the resulting content that has responded to this evolution.


What sparked this idea?

The way we see family has undeniably faced a rather large shift since the days of I Love Lucy. Whether this change has been in the numbers, or more of a change in sensibility is what we seek to explore using Television as the comparison.

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